The Devero Protection Committee

L' Associazione “Comitato Tutela Devero” è un Ente del Terzo Settore (ETS, da marzo 2023) di tipo Organizzazione del Volontariato (OdV); è apartitica, aconfessionale, a struttura democratica e senza scopo di lucro e, ispirandosi a finalità civiche, solidaristiche e di utilità sociale si prefigge lo scopo di:

  1. To promote the environmental protection of the Alpe Devero area, an area that for its historical, scenic and naturalistic peculiarities was added to the first group of protected areas established by the Piedmont Region in 1978, mostly included in the Natura 2000 Network Site ZSC/ZPS IT1140016 "Alpi Veglia e Devero Monte Giove," and that today constitutes an admirable example of balance between natural and man-made areas.
  2. To protect and safeguard the environmental and naturalistic peculiarities of the Alpe Devero area from interventions that may alter the current characteristics of the balance between natural and man-made areas (such as the construction or expansion of new ski lifts or new buildings).
  3. To promote the development of sustainable tourism, bearer of a widespread, equitable economy, culturally linked to the territory in which it is rooted, with low environmental impact and that enhances the typical features of the Alpe Devero area, which has always been considered a paradise for nature lovers.

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Establishment of the Devero Protection Committee

When the strong speculative interests on Alpe Devero that prospected a connection with the San Domenico ski resort became clear in 2017, a spontaneous Comitato di Tutela dell’Alpe Devero. Local and national environmental associations adhere: Mountain Wilderness, Salviamo il Paesaggio Valdossola, Italia Nostra Vco, Legambiente VCO, Pro Natura Piemonte. Gradually the network is expanding with about 50 adherents and the support of Lipu and Legambiente Nazionale.


Constitution of Devero Naturally Association

W ith the aim of flanking the Committee's action with development proposals compatible with the characteristics of the area, at Alpe Devero, the Devero Naturalmente Association comes to life, aimed at promoting a gentle tourism for these areas, disinterested in ski lifts, mega hotels and the typical comforts of mass tourism. Devero Naturally opens an informational site on the knowledge and protection of Devero. The Association each year proposes initiatives during the summer to spread a culture of awareness and respect for the environment and the relationship between man and the mountain.


Devero Protection Committee becomes an Association

It merges with Devero Naturally, which internally continues to maintain its autonomy in proposing.

Share the protection of Devero and, each with their own expertise, have from time to time participated in the actions of the Committee:

  • CAI - Club Alpino Italiano
  • CIPRA - Commissione Internazionale per la Protezione delle Alpi
  • Federazione Pro Natura Piemonte
  • Italia Nostra Regionale del Piemonte
  • Italia Nostra VCO
  • Legambiente Nazionale
  • Legambiente VCO
  • LIPU - Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli
  • Mountain Wilderness
  • Osservatorio Permanente dell’Ambiente
  • Salviamo il Paesaggio Valdossola