Devero’s Great East: a name evoking wide spaces, silences, immersion into nature, wildlife watching. A plateau of high mountain pastures, invaluable glacial lakes and peatbogs within the Veglia-Devero Park in an area protected by the European Union (ZSC/ZPS in Natura 2000) because of its fragile habitat and rare endangered species.
The Park Authority, Manager of Protected Areas, is promoting a project that would alter the discreet path winding through this area. They plan to widen, level out and eliminate all roughness (and… naturalness) in order to make it easier for MTBs and e-MTBs, so that it may become a route of greater attraction for the fans of this sport.
With the decline of winter skiing, the alpine environment has suffered increasingly frequent alterations, due to new interests and hopes of future profits. A mechanical and motor, although electric, approach has been favoured, to the detriment of the environment and the many hikers, for whom it accounts for one of the most beloved itineraries in Devero.
In protected areas, with habitats and species of priority interest, the law says that the environment cannot be changed except for serious reasons, after a rigorous and scientific investigation (the Environmental Impact Assessment VIncA), open to public confrontation. But there has been no confrontation in this case. The Italian Alpine Club (CAI), the Comitato Tutela Devero (Devero Guardianship Committee), Legambiente Nazionale, Mountain Wilderness Italia, Pro Natura Federazione Italiana, have appealed to TAR (the Regional Administrative Court) on 29 th
May 2023 by reason of the lack of public interlocution and the breach of protection laws.
We are not against cycling tourism, but we are convinced it is necessary to take stock of the use of bicycles in the mountains, damage to biodiversity, changes in the land, the relationship with those who walk and the fact of attracting additional visitors to an area distinctive for its strong commitment to a natural relationship between man and the mountains.


Comitato Tutela Devero